Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Almost two months old!

Momma's boy!

Hang on, Sweetheart

Mckenna holding dad's finger with one hand and wedding ring with the other. That's an IV in her arm, Cpap on her face for oxygen, and a pacifier in her mouth. The white cord is her temperature probe, attached with a little bit of love (the gold heart sticker on her stomach)

I'll pass on that next blood test, thank you very much.

Um, can somebody give me some milk please? My feeding tube's a bit dry.

Connor with some snacks for later...much later

Mckenna loves it when mom or the nurses give her tiny amounts of sucrose, so we thought we'd try chocolate as well.


  1. Love the captions!
    Your babies are absolutely adorable! And you Karisa, are gorgeous. Happy 2 month birthday!!

  2. What a cute post! Thanks for sharing!

  3. By the way, I have a hard time leaving comments. I don't know if it is my computer or if it's your account. I'm just letting you know in case others are trying to leave comments and can't. It always comes up that there is an error and it couldn't be processed. But, then I try a second time and it usually works. Maybe it's just me.

  4. I love these pictures and how big these babies are getting! I especially love all the cute blankets and bows on McKenna. We love these kids! And you guys too of course!

  5. Those babes are pure precious! Thinking about and praying for all of you.
