It has been an exciting last couple of days in the nicu. Connor has been our little champ and is coming right along. Connor was on his cpap machine, but about a week ago he decided he didn't want it anymore and kept taking it off all day. Finally the nurses were getting frustrated, because about 2 minutes after they would put it back on he would pull it off. Finally they let him just try wearing a nasal cannula with oxygen. A couple days later, Connor decided he did not want the oxygen either and kept pulling it off. They decided to see what would happen if they take the o2 off. Now our little guy is just on room air with no tubes, oxygen, or anything! We are so proud of him. He also got to try his first bottle the other day. He was so funny, I don't think i have ever seen a more confused boy! I put the nipple in his mouth and he just gave me a really confused look for a couple a minutes. He finally kind of got it and decided to suck a couple times, then he would just look around confused for a minutes, and suck a couple more times. A short time later, he finally got some milk out, and actually too much. He ended up choking on it and dropped his heart rate, and that was the end of our bottle session. I also got to get him to try to nurse on me, but he was even more confused about that then the bottle. lol.
Mckenna has had an eventful week also. We finally think she is starting to turn the corner! Yeah! With a remedy of steriods, antibiotics, vibes and breathing treatments, we have been able to wean down here oxygen down to the twenties during the past week. This is huge for Mckenna, especially considering her oxygen was almost to 100 about a week ago. On Saturday they pulled out her ventilator tube and we are now trying her on cpap. At first she was really anxious. I think she was freaked out to have the tube gone since she has had it since birth, she actually kept feeling for it when we took it out. She seems to be getting more used to it though, and as of now she is doing great on it. We are soo proud of her! The doctor said the if she can stay on the cpap through wednesday, they think she will not need the ventilator again. They are a little worried about her regressing because they stopped the steriods yesterday, so they hope her lungs can stay strong with out them. We hope and pray that she will too. We are so proud of our little girl, she has come a long long way.
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